Ugh. So Coco has been driving me a little nuts lately. She's been up at 5 AM and ready to PARTY! She's been nipping and jumping on the furniture...she's been pulling on her leash...she's been testing me and I've been standing up to her and letting her know WHO THE BOSS IS! And yes, I've had some mornings where I wonder what in the heck I've gotten myslef into. But this was a particularly rough morning and I came to work exhausted and on the verge of tears. Then I thought of my two doggy mentors; Deanna Robbins and Renee Badall. Both of them recently lost their doggy soul mates and watching them go through this has been very sad for me. I turn to Deanna and Renee almost daily for doggy advice and they have both been incredible resources for information and I honestly don't know what I'd do without them...and my other "Dog Whisperers" at work Marion and Amy.
But today, I'm thinking of Deanna and Renee and of their dogs.
Renee and Teca
Ameriken-Magic Teca ~ December 17, 2005 - February 13, 2010
Renee is one of my best friends. When she suddenly lost Teca last month, I was just in pieces. Teca was a gorgeous Viszla that lived a full and exciting life with Renee and Joe Badall.
Deanna and Duke

pic of Duke and Greta
"He is everywhere, but I can't get to him. In fondest memory of my sweet boy, Duke Martin 1999- Mar2010"
I work with Deanna and I've been in and out of her office for WEEKS, asking for advice and showing her pictures. She lost Duke recently and it was absolutely devastating for her and her family.
On mornings like this when I feel like I'm at my wits end and I wonder why in the heck I ever got a dog, I think of Duke and Teca. I need to hug my Coco a little tighter and not take her for granted...even when she's being a little STINKER!!!!
Big love to you, Renee and Deanna!!!