“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” - Gandhi"Shadow"
Holy smokes - ANOTHER dog was horribly beaten by their owner? It seems like every few months
AnnArbor.com posts a horrific story about a dog owner losing their temper and damn near beating their dog to death! This time, it was a little Jack Russell/Terrier Mix named "Shadow." I just cannot believe that someone would beat a tiny dog with a hammer over an indoor "potty" accident. I mean really - WHAT does one think that a dog does in a new environment?? Especially little dogs that are notorious for their little bladders? This is so sad.
CLICK HERE FOR THE WHOLE STORY.I'm obviously preaching to the choir, here. You are reading this blog because you are a fellow dog lover and you are just as floored by these senseless tales of impatience and unforgivable abuse.
"Annie" finds a loving home
February, a local man was finally convicted of brutally beating his dog "Brownie" nearly to death, this time with a tire iron. Her abuse was so extensive that she had to have one of her hind legs amputated. After lying under oath and swearing that he
accidentally ran the dog over with his car, the judge slapped him with a 2-4 year prison term. According to
AnnArbor.com; "
Washtenaw County Circuit Judge David
Swartz slapped
Rutley with a two- to four-year prison sentence and said he would have issued more time if state guidelines allowed."
CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL STORY. "Brownie" was renamed "Annie" by her adoptive family and is thankfully living a new life of luxury and prestige!
At least the laws are somewhat in-place to handle these types of cases. Many other states merely give a slap on the wrist, and offer probation. I'm thankful that Judge David
Swartz took this case seriously and handed this criminal a tough sentence, especially after he refused to take accountability for his actions.
As much as it shocks me to see these stories come out of the woodwork, I am glad to see that
AnnArbor.com treats them as "Headline News." Are there a sudden rash of violent cases against animals? Probably not, animal abuse is as old as mankind - but it seems that the media is jumping on the stories as more and more people are responding to them. People are fed up with these disparaging stories and are taking steps to mitigate this senseless violence against our precious little fur babies.