So I just received a friendly reminder from the folks at AKC about Spring Garden Toxins. I'm just starting to garden little by little, but I was surprised to learn that even in my limited space that I have some VERY toxic plants/bulbs in my yard.
From the AKC:
Watch for Toxins in Your Spring Garden
Due to their natural curiosity, their love of digging, and their tendency to consume anything they come across, dogs are at a high risk for accidental poisoning. This can be particularly true in spring, as front gardens and backyards come to life with new growth, and as dogs and their owners spend more time outdoors.
Watch for Toxins in Your Spring Garden
Due to their natural curiosity, their love of digging, and their tendency to consume anything they come across, dogs are at a high risk for accidental poisoning. This can be particularly true in spring, as front gardens and backyards come to life with new growth, and as dogs and their owners spend more time outdoors.
Toxic bulbs, plants and flowers include tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, certain lilies, crocus, and lily of the valley.
See a detailed chart here.
Harmful fertilizers and ground cover include cocoa mulch, blood meal, bone meal, and any fertilizer containing disulfoton or organophosphates.
Harmful fertilizers and ground cover include cocoa mulch, blood meal, bone meal, and any fertilizer containing disulfoton or organophosphates.
Store all poisonous substances in your home, garage, and yard out of reach of your curious canine, and block access to potentially harmful bulbs and flowers. If you suspect your dog has ingested a poison, call your veterinarian at once; or dial the Pet Poison Helpline at 800-213-6680.
I never use any type of fertilizer and try to be mindful of what I plant, although I do have several different lilies out back. My dogs are more interested in eating dirt and chewing sticks. Yuck! You'd think they were spoiled brats and get like a million treats!! I also don't like to leave them to their own devices outside.